The Worker

An Anti-Fascist Message from the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia


Dear comrades, we are here in a delegation with the World Anti-Imperialist Platform in front of symbols of Luhansk and the Luhansk People’s Republic. This great memorial shows four war heroes: First is a partisan that won the civil war against the treacherous White movement supported by the western powers. Second is the Red Army soldier that defeated Nazism in the Second World War. The third one represents the heroes that defended Luhansk from Kiev’s “anti-terrorist operation” in 2014. And the fourth one represents a Russian soldier that defended the people of Donbass from ethnic cleansing.

We have gathered here with the World Anti-Imperialist Platform to show solidarity with the heroic people of Luhansk, who started the first anti-NATO and anti-fascist uprising in the 21st century.

Long live the people of Luhansk, death to fascism, freedom to the people.

– Aleksandar Đenić of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ)

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