The Worker


Washington’s Secret War Against Afghanistan by Philip Bonosky – Ch 1: Antique Land – PSMLS Reads

The People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies presents Chapter 1 of Philip Bonosky’s 1985 book “Washington’s Secret War Against Afghanistan”. Philip Bonosky was a member of the old CPUSA, wrote books on Afghanistan, Eastern Europe and more. He went to Afghanistan in the late 1970’s and bared witness to events which led to the covert US

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The Kiev Regime is Fascist!

By the American Peace Information Center (APIC) The trademarks of a fascist regime is that it– bans opposition political parties, especially Communist parties– represses trade unions and denies workers’ rights In fact, the Kiev regime o has banned all opposition political parties, including the second biggest party in the Ukraine, the Communist Party of the

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The Ultraleftist

The Ultaleftist / El Izquierdista – Ramon Puyol. 1936, Spain. By: Daily Worker Editorial Board The super-leftist wears a uniform of the Spanish Republic with tricolor cuffs, a hammer and sickle, and not one, but two stars, showing his loyalty to the Republican side. He raises not one, but two fists into the air to

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