The Worker


The Victory of the Indian Peasant Movement Against the Three Black Farm Laws

By Joe Morman, on behalf of the Agricultural and Rural Commission of the Party of Communists USA. Originally published on June 21, 2022. In November 2021, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi announced that the Three Black Farm Laws – once fiercely defended by his neoliberal government against the peasantry– would be withdrawn.1 These laws

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The Decay of US Imperialism and the “Anti-War Right”

By Timothy Dirte. In William Z. Foster’s 1949 book The Twilight of World Capitalism, he outlines the inevitable decline of the capitalist system given the crisis of the post-WWII drop in military production invoices to factories everywhere, except in the USSR. Consequently, a reorganization of the capitalist system was taking place with US capitalism now

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The Party of Communists USA Greets the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

To the Party Leaders and Delegates of the 16th National Congress of the PCV: The Party of Communists USA sends our warmest fraternal greetings to the 16th National Congress of theCommunist Party of Venezuela. We support and stand in full solidarity with the Communist Party ofVenezuela and the people of Venezuela. Venezuela has for the

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PCUSA Greetings to the 43rd Anniversary of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) PC(AP)

Dear Comrades, The Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) sends its greetings to the 43rd Anniversary of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) (PC(AP)) on November 8th, 2022. The PC(AP) was formed on November 8th, 1979 during the Pinochet dictatorship to serve as the vanguard of the Chilean people in carrying forward both workers’ struggle and

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Why Communism? Ch. 3 By Moissaye J Olgin

The People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies presents the third chapter of Moissaye J. Olgin’s phenomenal text: “Why Communism?” (1933). In this chapter, Olgin explains how Communism solves many of the problems which workers face under Capitalism. You can watch the whole playlist here: Connect with PSMLS: up to join the PSMLS mailing list

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