The Worker


A Note on the Decline of Europe

LEV GUMILEV For the Red Army newspaper, Summer 1945. So, the glory of the world: Not me, but many of my comrades, German culture struck me with its grandiosity. In fact, the paved roads of the Berliner ring, excellent houses with comfortable apartments, an abundance of all means of mechanization, from tractors to pencil sharpening […]

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Anti-Stalin Falsehoods from a “Socialist” Writer – Refudint Alex Skopi’s Article “Stalin Will Never Be Redeemable”

Grover Furr April – May 2023 In the January – February 2023 issue of Currant Affairs there appears an article titled “Stalin Will Never Be Redeemable”. Its subtitle reads: Stalin was socialism’s worst enemy. History is easily forgotten, so nostalgia for the “Man of Steel” needs to be guarded against. A person who knows of my long interest

Anti-Stalin Falsehoods from a “Socialist” Writer – Refudint Alex Skopi’s Article “Stalin Will Never Be Redeemable” Read More »

Restoring U.S. hegemony isn’t possible. Pro-NATO propaganda can now only impede class struggle in the core.

What’s the point of imperialist war when it can no longer do what it was supposed to do? That being let capital continue expanding into new markets. With the terminal decline of U.S. hegemony, this growth has become impossible to maintain. The decisive factor in this coming of a limitation on imperialism’s extractive range has

Restoring U.S. hegemony isn’t possible. Pro-NATO propaganda can now only impede class struggle in the core. Read More »

To be “respectable” in the online left is to be imperialism-compatible. Being a serious Marxist requires breaking from it.

There’s a difference between what’s best for gaining popularity within online “left” spaces, and what’s best for advancing the revolutionary struggle. It’s not hard to notice this problem, the members of the left-wing video essay community “Breadtube” have repeatedly observed how there’s an issue with making politics into a fandom. Yet it’s not like merely

To be “respectable” in the online left is to be imperialism-compatible. Being a serious Marxist requires breaking from it. Read More »

Lack of anti-imperialist principles is what’s delaying the uprising that brings the bourgeois state’s defeat

At this moment, fighting the information war is what’s most meaningful for communists. But this isn’t going to be true forever. Advancing the information war is only one among a number of essential steps in our path to proletarian victory. The more successful we become at combating imperialism’s psyops, and at exposing the hypocrisies of

Lack of anti-imperialist principles is what’s delaying the uprising that brings the bourgeois state’s defeat Read More »

The Revolution Report Awarded for Donbass Documentary at XXI Annual Yuri Ozerov International War Film Festival

TRR Editor-in-Chief and Director of “8 Years Before” Donald Courter was awarded the Crystal Prize for an outstanding documentary about the Donbass Conflict with producer Jeff Monson at the Yuri Ozerov International War Film Festival in Tula, Russia.“ This is really a great honor…we just wanted to show the West the truth of what was

The Revolution Report Awarded for Donbass Documentary at XXI Annual Yuri Ozerov International War Film Festival Read More »

Kurginyan: German generals were astonished at the skills of Russian soldiers

Great Patriotic War The military skills of the soldiers of the Red Army, which they continuously improved, astonished experienced German generals, said political scientist and philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 9 in his congratulatory address. Speaking about his father’s wartime experience, Kurginyan noted that in the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish War

Kurginyan: German generals were astonished at the skills of Russian soldiers Read More »

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