The Worker

US Friends of the Soviet People

Soviet Banking System

Soviet Banking System – Soviet Film Project

This video describes how the Soviet Union used their banking system to fund various industries and what the overall structure of the Socialist Republic’s financial institutions were like. The Soviet Union, through the implementation of each respective five year plan, was able to allocate resources to industries based on need and growing technology at the […]

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kononovich brothers

“Communists Do Not Give Up!” Statement from the Kononovich Brothers in Ukraine

Dear comrades, We would like to first draw your attention, comrades, to the fact that we, communists and anti-fascists, brothers Mikhail Kononovich and Alexander Kononovich, were arrested for our many years of “Komsomol [Communist Youth League] for Peace” actions, which we held in all cities of Ukraine, starting in 2014.  The last action was two

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