The Worker


Categories of The Worker and Red Patriot articles

Harry Bridges School of Labor 2023 Session 3: Internal Organizing Recording Now Available

Originally published by Labor Today – Labor United Educational League is proud to announce we are releasing the recordings from the Harry Bridges School of Labor sessions. Launched in Spring 2023, the Harry Bridges School of Labor is a monthly class held 2x per month. Classes will cover a variety of topics aimed at

Harry Bridges School of Labor 2023 Session 3: Internal Organizing Recording Now Available Read More »

History of Marxist-Leninist Education in America – PSMLS Class Upload

In this class we study the history of Marxist-Leninist education in America, including our Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies. This will be covering multiple different party-sponsored schools that operated between the early 20th century and today, and discussing the importance of party sponsored collective education. This is a great first class if you’re new to

History of Marxist-Leninist Education in America – PSMLS Class Upload Read More »

World Marxist Review Archive – Now Available on the PCUSA Website

The World Marxist Review (Problems of Peace and Socialism) was a monthly theoretical journal concentrating on international issues faced by the world Communist movement in the latter half of the 20th century. It featured contributions from Communist and Workers parties throughout the world, providing an essential view on how these groups dealt with the major

World Marxist Review Archive – Now Available on the PCUSA Website Read More »

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