The Worker


Categories of The Worker and Red Patriot articles

The U.S. Empire Aims to Bring War to the Rest of Europe, Yet This Can Only Accelerate the Class Struggle

Russia’s president recently explained just how dire of a situation NATO has created, and how much worse it could get: We were forced to try to end the war that the West started in 2014 by force of arms. And Russia will end this war by force of arms, freeing the entire territory of the former Ukraine

The U.S. Empire Aims to Bring War to the Rest of Europe, Yet This Can Only Accelerate the Class Struggle Read More »

Our Domestic Revolutionary Struggles Can’t Succeed Until We’ve Sufficiently Combated U.S. Hegemony

The destruction of human beings and nature that U.S. imperialism brings is in itself enough of a reason to do whatever is necessary for combating it. Beyond this, the task of fighting the imperial hegemon is a prerequisite for the defeat of the state in the imperial center. A prerequisite that can’t be skipped, can’t

Our Domestic Revolutionary Struggles Can’t Succeed Until We’ve Sufficiently Combated U.S. Hegemony Read More »

Orgs like PSL march with feds & war profiteers while attacking the anti-NATO movement for having contradictions

When the PSL marched this week with the DHS and Lockheed Martin personnel who are working to attach themselves to Pride, it proved that the elements of the left which have been attacking Rage Against the War Machine aren’t doing this due to RAWM’s contradictions. They’re doing it because trying to discredit a multi-tendency antiwar coalition—particularly one

Orgs like PSL march with feds & war profiteers while attacking the anti-NATO movement for having contradictions Read More »

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