The Worker


Categories of The Worker and Red Patriot articles

Political Outreach – People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies

Join us for another class on practical skills and tactics that we can use in our work as we take a look at political outreach and the different forms it takes! Connect with PSMLS: Sign up to join the PSMLS mailing list and get notified of new Zoom classes every Tuesday and Thursday:

Political Outreach – People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies Read More »

Solidarity with Palestine

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) does not forget the courageous Palestinian people and their struggle to live in peace, free and independent, in a sovereign and viable State with borders prior to July 4, 1967, and capital in East Jerusalem. The illegalities and crimes of the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people

Solidarity with Palestine Read More »

Statement on the FBI Raids on the African People’s Socialist Party

By the Black Liberation Commission of the Party of Communists USA The Black Liberation Commission of the Party of Communists USA condemns the unlawful raids by the FBI on chairman Omali Yeshitala and the African People’s Socialist Party. We stand in full solidarity with them against this unlawful act by a federal agency against a

Statement on the FBI Raids on the African People’s Socialist Party Read More »

Statement from the National Director of the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies

By Kamryn Stringfield, National Director of the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies (PSMLS) Contrary to the statements of the group that split from our school and the PCUSA back in August 2022, the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies (PSMLS) has not been “reconstituted” into anything else. We are still here. We should be careful not

Statement from the National Director of the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies Read More »

WFDY: Let Us Continue Raising the Flag of Peace and Anti-Imperialism High

We end the year 2022 in a challenging context of an intensification of imperialist barbarism against the peoples and youth of the world. But this, far from leading us to discouragement or pessimism, should serve us to strengthen the struggle of the anti-imperialist youth. Following in the path of all our comrades around the world

WFDY: Let Us Continue Raising the Flag of Peace and Anti-Imperialism High Read More »

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