The Worker


Categories of The Worker and Red Patriot articles

Why Communism? Ch. 3 By Moissaye J Olgin

The People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies presents the third chapter of Moissaye J. Olgin’s phenomenal text: “Why Communism?” (1933). In this chapter, Olgin explains how Communism solves many of the problems which workers face under Capitalism. You can watch the whole playlist here: Connect with PSMLS: up to join the PSMLS mailing list

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A Multipolar World Again

By Worker Wire Services. Originally published on May 15, 2022. Immediately following WWII, the United States stood atop the world almost unscathed and began the dirty work of securing hegemony. The principal enemy of the American ruling class was the USSR and the burgeoning alternative social formation it represented. American politicians such as future president

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Brief Polemic Against Joe Sims

By Worker Wire Services. Originally published on December 29, 2021. On November 1, 2021, CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims authored an article that was published on the CPUSA’s website entitled “An upsurge worth fighting for.” In it, Sims exposes the current leadership of the CPUSA for its ideological bankruptcy. When examining the ideological contents of this

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Down with Defeatism

By Xavier. Originally published on April 10, 2022. A prevailing problem within the left-wing sphere of America is the cult of defeat. “We face such strong enemies, how can we ever win?” “Americans are so apathetic, how can they be motivated?” “The struggle has been happening for so long, what hope do we have?” This

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“8 Years Before” Donbass Documentary

8 Years Before is an independently-funded documentary film directed by international journalist Donald Courter and produced collaboratively with international heavyweight fighting champion Jeff Monson. The film portrays in stark detail the long saga of suffering that the Donbass people endured at the hands of the Ukrainian military, following the 2014 Euromaidan Coup d’etat. Through primary

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