The Worker


The history of Rwanda is a generally unknown subject but known mainly to the capitalist powers who have been using and using this country for more than 27 years to wage a proxy war against the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The origins of this murderous madness

The origins of all these conflicts go back to the events in Rwanda, in the early 90s, when the Rwandan Tutsis belonging to the Ugandan army invaded Rwanda on October 1, 1990. This invasion, which was supported by the Anglo-Saxon powers determined to dislodge France from the region after the end of the Cold War, will lead to a civil war opposing the Tutsi rebels grouped within a movement called RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) against the Rwandan government led by President Juvenal Habyarimana of the Hutu ethnic group. On April 6, 1994, the plane carrying the Rwandan head of state Mr. Habyarimana and his Burundian counterpart Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down by Tutsi rebels as it was about to land in the international airport of Kigali. It was the kickoff of a fierce confrontation between the two sides and a wave of massacres that will kill hundreds of thousands of people. This is the famous “Rwandan genocide”.

The Rwandan Hutu government was defeated after a hundred days of fighting and Paul Kagame, the leader of the Tutsi rebellion of the RPF, took power. More than 4,000,000 Rwandans, mostly Hutus, then fled to neighboring Zaire (present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo). Among these refugees were members of the defeated camp. Paul Kagame accused them of seeking to destabilize Rwanda, and under the pretext of preventing the invasion of his country by Hutu refugees, a fallacious pretext, he will invade eastern Zaire to supposedly neutralize them. It was the beginning of a war that would last for years and involve some African countries. All that we are observing today in the Congo are the consequences of this forgotten war, the truth of which is deliberately stifled by the Western capitalist powers that support the RPF.

Redrawing the geopolitical map of Africa Central by the United States of America (USA).

This region, and more particularly the DR Congo, has always whetted the appetites of capitalist western powers. The very history of the DR Congo is strewn with tragedies related to the exploitation of its natural resources since the country has always been confined to the role of distributor of strategic raw materials. The contribution of the Congo to the war effort during two major world conflicts have been decisive, but the Congolese themselves have derived no benefit from it. If we do not understand that the Congo has been and continues to be the automatic distributor of essential raw materials for the development of advanced weapons industries in the West, then it will not be understood why the great powers,starting with the United States, have their eyes on the DR Congo.

This area was the scene of a diplomatic confrontation between the United States of America and France. There was American aggressive diplomacy but above all war. That of Rwanda which was to serve as a springboard for the destabilization of the DR Congo. What to understand,is that the President of Rwanda at the time, Mr. Habyarimana, was, like his counterpart from Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, close to France. The United States of America,after using Mobutu as a bulwark against the communist push, had decided to change the rules of the game after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union.

The new American doctrine was to dislodge France from the Great Lakes region, rich in minerals strategic. It was necessary to control the abundant natural resources of the DR Congo. For this,it was necessary to blow up France’s allies in the region, that is to say the leaders of Zaire (current DR Congo) and Rwanda, to replace them with men controlled by Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright, the American Secretary of State and who was described at the time as “a new generation of African leaders”. In short, the end of communism marked the beginning of a new conflictual dynamic between French and Americans: the latter challenging the former their pre-eminence in French-speaking Africa. The traditional “zones of influence” of the allies during the Cold War have been questioned in the new global geopolitical environmentdominated by the United States of America (USA).

The civil war between the Tutsi and Hutu factions in Rwanda remains one of the conflicts the bloodiest in history. Things are not that simple. It is true that there was a Tutsi rebellion dreaming of conquer a power dominated by the Hutus.

But between the Tutsis and the Hutus, there were deep divisions.I cannot rewrite the history of Rwanda here. But what to remember about this terrible barbarism? it is the fact that the Tutsi rebellion has exploited the Hutus and the Tutsis to achieve its ends. Paul Kagame’s strategy was to stir up the conflict by systematically carrying out the massacre of Hutus in the regions under his control, therefore to radicalize the Hutus. It was an evil strategy. And to this we must add the socio-political situation in neighboring Burundi. This country is experiencing the same problems ethnic than his neighbor. The population is predominantly Hutu as in Rwanda. This unstable country, plagued by repeated massacres between Hutus and Tutsis, as in Rwanda, will experience a moment of sadness.

Elections were held in June 1993 and a Hutu president in the person of Melchior Ndadaye was brought to power. Despite a landslide victory in the presidential and in the legislative elections, the young Hutu president undertakes to form a larger government; he shares power with the Tutsi losers. His approach aims to show that Hutus and Tutsis can work together and live in harmony. The signal isstrong. But on October 21, 1993, the president of Burundi was assassinated bythe Tutsis of the army by Paul Kagame. Burundi is plunging into chaos. Hundreds of thousands of Hutus are massacred by the Tutsis of the army. In neighboring Rwanda, it is stupor. The Hutus of Rwanda who see hundreds of thousands of Burundian Hutu refugees (therefore their brothers) pouring into their territory in panic, are becoming radicalized. They were convinced that the Tutsi rebellion will be inspired by what happened in Burundi to apply it to Rwanda. They are not totally wrong, sinceon April 6, 1994, the plane carrying heir president was shot down by the RPF. The levees give way and the horror spreads. And Kagame and his American friends are happy. After three months of fighting, the Tutsi rebels seize power. The blood flowed freely, but this was kagame’s project, and he will let whoever wants to hear it know …

The assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana was the trigger for the massacres.

Are the sponsors of the attack known today? Officially no, but everyone knows that it was the Tutsi rebellion that had descended the plane carrying the two presidents. A person who was working at the time for the United Nations Mission in Rwanda and who was subsequently tasked, with two UN investigators (an American and an Australian), to makethe light on this attack testified. And when they found the culprit, in the person of Kagame, the Americans and the British pressed for the investigation not to be known.

Concerning the French intervention in the conflict

France has done the right thing. Without the intervention of France, the situation would have been worse than what has been observed. Even the American and their RPF puppets, who could not stand France’s military-humanitarian operation, had welcomed France’s action.

The obscure role of other foreign powers such as Great Britain,
Belgium, Canada and Israel in this tragedy. It is enough to look at the new economic situation in the region to realize this. Rwanda and Zaire have been destabilized and the influence of France has
been “erased” in this region. Since then, it has been a new order dominated by
the United States of America (USA) and its allies (Great Britain, Canada and
Israel) as well as their RPF puppets …

Then Paul Kagame’s Rwanda will become a real predator in the destabilization of the region. The interventions of Rwanda in the East of the Congo were aimed solely at the plundering of the natural resources of the DR Congo. But the United States has a comprehensive plan in the region. And Rwanda
also has a hidden agenda which is not only the plundering of Congo’s resources, but also to seize part of the Congolese territory, Kivu, which is rich in mining resources, in order to resettle part of its population. Let me remind you that in Rwanda there is a significant demographic pressure. Seizing Kivu (a Congolese territory) is a utopian project and an adventure of bad taste for the Congolese and which risks costing Rwanda dearly.

If the Hutus were accused of being the authors of the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994, but the truth is that the Tutsis through their terrorist groups (M23, CNDP…) led by Kagame and Museveni who occupy Kivu in the Eastern Congo with the support of the United States of America, are the authors of the genocide of more than 15,000,000 Congolese.

Let’s separate things: Between the Hutus wrongly accused of the massacres of more than 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994 and the massacres of more than 15,000,000 Congolese perpetrated by Tutsi terrorist groups (M23, CNDP…) led by Kagame and Museveni in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 27 years, between the two communities (Hutu and Tutsi) which is the most criminal and genocidal community? I let you discover it for yourself. It is high time that the Western countries which support organized crime in Africa and more particularly in the east of the D.R. Congo, understand that they have exceeded the limits and that the day the Congolese will wake up, I assure you that the Rwanda and Uganda risk being wiped off the world map.

The memory of the “genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis” is the object of a political use by thecurrent Rwandan government which aims to manipulate the Western powers without a doubt. It must be understood that Kagame’s entire legitimacy is based on the official history of the genocide which makes him the hero, which is why the regime is scrambling to be the one who arrested him. If this official narrative collapses, it is its power that collapses like the devil in holy water so that we do not question this false version of history. And unfortunately, he has strong support in the West. The associations the Jews strongly support him. In countries like France and Belgium, it is difficult to debate the Rwandan question. As soon as you question the facts, you are accused of being a denier, a revisionist and a conspiracist.

Take for example the case of the number of victims. The RPF and the Western media claim that there have been between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Tutsis killed in Rwanda. Gold when we take a look at the demographic statistics of the time, we notice quickly that something in this official version is wrong. According to the official national census of 1991, shortly before the genocide, the population of Rwanda was composed of 91% Hutus, 8.4% Tutsis, 0.4% Twa and 0.1% representing other ethnic groups.

So that out of a total of 7,099,844 inhabitants in 1991, the Tutsi minority represented only 596,387 people, for a Hutu population of 6,467,958 inhabitants. After the massacres, the Rwandan authorities (RPF) estimated the number of victims at 1.1 million, exactly 1,074,017. Of these, 93.7% were Tutsis, which would give the figure of 1,006,353 Tutsis killed, according to the Rwandan government. Demographically, this is impossible, especially when we know that not all of them are Tutsis from Rwanda who have been killed. The association of Tutsi victims survivors of the massacres “Ibuka”, known for its proximity to the power of Kigali, estimates at nearly 300,000 the number of Tutsis having survived the genocide.

This brings to 296,387 the number of Tutsis who have died. Subtracting this number from the 1,074,017 Rwandans who died as listed by the Rwandan government, we quickly realize that there are about 777,630 other Rwandans (Hutus and Twas) killed. The Twa being very much in the minority, the number of Hutus killed can easily be estimated at 750,000. A much higher number than that of the Tutsis. More than double. This is precisely what General Emmanuel Habyarimana confirms, who worked alongside Paul Kagame as Minister of Defense until 2002. He claims that “there have been about 280,000 Tutsis massacred and more than a million Hutus killed since 1990. The rigging and falsification of this story consisted of taking the overall death toll and asserting that they were all Tutsis.”But saying that makes you look like a Hitler emulate. I can multiply the examples specific cases that crumble the agreed version of this tragedy to smithereens.

There are independent authors who have written books on this topic and who demonstrate that this story is based on a huge lie and that no one has so far challenged the writings of these independent authors on this topic. All we hear is: “Anyone who would say otherwise, he or she is considered a denier, a revisionist. “

Personally, I don’t mind. Because we believe that when a story is falsified, the best way to correct it
is to revise it.

A Marxist and Leninist communist look at the situation of Rwanda in the Great Lakes region (concerning political, ideological and economic models)

I think that today’s communism must adapt to current political and geopolitical developments, while
keeping the spirit of the comrades who were the precursors. The Democratic Republic of the Congo should return to a communist and pan-Africanist struggle updated on the ground. This is an essential and complex issue. Indispensable because the DR Congo is part of the great African family, and in this sense it must work to consolidate the pan-Africanist communist approach. The approach is complex because for more than 27 years now, she has been faced with two situations :
1) a catastrophic crisis linked to wars imposed from abroad, in particular by the capitalist West, with
the complicity of some neighboring countries (Rwanda and Uganda without forgetting the current
2) To the silence of a large number of African, European, American, Arab and Asian countries in the
face of this tragedy.

In addition, the Congolese feel alone in the face of the drama that their country has been going through for more than 27 years, and it would be difficult to convince them to join the communist cause in order to help change Rwanda or Uganda, which are aggressor countries of the DR Congo. And when we add to this reality, the silence of a large number of African, European, American, Arab and Asian countries makes it possible to look elsewhere than towards the communist cause of helping to change in Rwanda and Uganda.

My point of view as a Frenchman of Congolese origin

Change in Rwanda and Uganda can only be possible with the involvement of motivated citizens of these countries and together we can work for the expansion of communism in Central Africa in particular and in Africa in general and the emergence of socialist governments that can contribute to the peace and development of our countries.

Africa needs skills and the diaspora has them. He has a broader vision of things than our compatriots who stayed there. All over the continent, the diaspora contributes to the advancement of things. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take precautions. Many Africans living in the West have a very westernized and capitalist view of things.

Not everything the West does is bad. There are positive things that we appreciate here. But the problem lies at the level of the notion of “development” or “emergence” in fashion among Africans. I humbly think that we should not blindly import concepts that have shown their limits in the West. The consequences of what is called “development” in capitalist societies are such that it would be irresponsible for us Africans to import such a model at home. I agree for the return of a conscious and determined diaspora. But I am against the return of a co-opted diaspora that would simply aim to westernize traditional African society. I am convinced that between the two, we can find the right balance and advance the expansion of Communism in our countries in Africa.

Member of the Central Committee and
Delegate of the PCCO in Europe

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