The Party of the Communists USA (PCUSA) on behalf of all our members and supporters send revolutionary greetings to the working and oppressed peoples of the world for the New Year 2025. We wish them success in the struggle against imperialism and all oppression. We look forward to the new year for peace on the road to socialism.
We face a new year of struggle in conditions where fascism again rears its ugly head. Throughout Europe and the United States, reactionary fascist forces, highly influenced by US hegemony, have threatened humankind.
Monopoly capital continues its policies of aggressive wars in its search for new markets. Together, we Communists must help unify a new international alliance against reaction.
We salute and honor all those who strive for a better world. We join hands, hearts, and devote ourselves to the struggle for scientific socialism against this threat of reaction.
In solidarity,
Joseph Morman
General Secretary
Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Party of Communists USA