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On the Imperialist Intervention in Syria: Statement of the Russian Communist Workers Party

Statement of the International Department of the Central Committee of the RCRP-CPSU (Russian Communist Workers Party)

On December 8, President Assad resigned. The jihadists quickly occupied the main cities and the capital of Syria, Damascus. This coup was immediately welcomed by the United States, EU countries and NATO, Israel and Turkey, who supported terrorists and religious fanatics over the Assad government. The government in the EU has even suspended consideration of previously filed applications for refugee status and began to financially incentivize the return of Syrian emigrants to their homeland. Moreover, they immediately began to expand their intervention of the Syrian lands. Numerous actors of the former anti-government movement and their foreign puppetmasters are now making plans for the dismemberment of Syria.

The Russian Communist Workers Party assesses what has happened as a serious step towards reaction. It reflects the most powerful and most predatory stage of the imperialists led by the United States and NATO, who are fighting for the preservation of their hegemony in the world. They are exerting many years of pressure on Syria, supporting Zionists in ISrael, carrying out the genocide of the Palestinian people and leading the bloody bombing of Syria, Lebanon, Iran, etc. They are implementing their project of the so-called new Middle East. And they are enabling the Ukrainian Nazis, flooding them with money and weapons, are waging war against Russia, seeking to inflict a military defeat on it, to achieve its dismemberment into a number of units, as in 1991, when the USSR was illegally dissolved against the will of its people. In addition, imperialist predators are fueling the situation in many regions of the world, preparing to ignite new fires on the Korean Peninsula, around Taiwan, in Iran and other places.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that the imperialist reaction in Syria, Palestine, in Ukraine cultivates and uses the darkest, most imperious forces. In Syria, jihadists, Islamic terrorists, fascist Bandera, who recognize themselves as the ideological heirs of Hitler’s ally. The imperialist pack led by the United States, their henchmen from the EU and NATO, is sliding to fascization – from the demolition of monuments to the Red Army to the prohibitions of Soviet symbols and the banning of communist parties. It is no coincidence that, when voting at the UN General Assembly on November 12, the Russian resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism was supported by 116 countries, and 54 countries voted against (absent 11). Among the countries which voted against the resolution were the United States and Britain, almost all the countries of the European Union, Ukraine and Japan, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

The development of events in Syria and the dual position of Russia once again showed that the modern Russian Federation is not at all the successor of the Soviet Union, the help provided by Russia is not at all the ideological motives of justice.

The Russian Communist Workers Party expresses its solidarity with the Syrian people and the Communists of Syria. At the same time, the RCWP emphasizes that the confrontation between the international reaction is an international matter. The unity of the anti-fascist and anti-imperialist front is required. Today, in the international communist movement, it is necessary to overcome the erroneous position of those parties who talk about equal responsibility for all imperialists in the war in Ukraine and other regions. It is time to clearly say that the main danger comes from the imperialists of the United States and their henchmen – NATO associates and Zionist accomplices. In the united front of the struggle against the growing fascism, it is necessary to gather all the forces and use all possible methods. At the same time, the Communists, solving the immediate problems of confronting modern fascism, should work to organize the struggle of the workers and peoples of the whole world against imperialist barbarism, for socialism.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Originally published by the Russian Communist Workers Party: https://ркрп.рус/

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