On January 10th another innocent Black man met a violent end at the hands of the Memphis Police Department.
Tyre Nichols was two minutes from home when he was stopped without reason by members of the Memphis PD SCORPION Unit. He was harassed, pulled from his car, beaten, pepper sprayed & tased. The officers then bludgeoned the poor man to death in his own neighborhood while Tyre tried to seek shelter at his mother’s home.
From a very early age Tyre’s love of skating and other community activities impressed his mother so much so that she recalled Tyre “Marching to the beat of his own drum.”
Now, Tyre’s mom, upon passing the location everyday on her way to work will relive that dreadful day.
Once again the capitalist state apparatus has denied another African-American child their father; a mother is denied a son and a community is denied the dreams of a new generation.
The Party of Communists USA, along with the majority of the Black community, declares ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
These officers (including the police chief) must be fired and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
Black Liberation Commission
Party of Communists USA (PCUSA)
Jan. 2023
Tyre Nichols was a black man murdered by five black cops. Police killings of white people get underreported by the media and ignored by a Left that continues to ignore the CLASS FUNCTION of the police.
“As the World Socialist Web Site has explained, while African Americans, Native Americans and Hispanics are disproportionately killed by police compared to their proportion of the population, every year a plurality of those killed by police are white men. What virtually all victims of police violence have in common is that they are working class or poor.
In its 2022 Police Violence Report, MappingPoliceViolence.us found that
the 1,192 people killed by police in the US in 2022 added up to more deaths “than any other year in the past decade.”MappingPoliceViolence.us found that police were charged with a crime in only “9 of these cases. One percent of all killings by police.”
While African Americans accounted for 26 percent of those killed by cops, 43 percent of all those killed identified as white. With few exceptions, police killings of white people are ignored by the mainstream press and the Democratic Party because they refute the racialist narrative of police violence.
In Wyoming, Ohio, this past Sunday, a father of two, 28-year-old Joe Frasure, a white man, was shot and killed by an unnamed and uncharged officer with the Wyoming Police Department.
According to family members, Frasure was at his deceased grandmother’s apartment Sunday night to help his sister clear out the residence following her passing three weeks ago. Frasure’s brother told a local news outlet that once the police arrived, they shot his brother three times in the head. Referring to the police, he said he was “tired of you guys killing people. Enough is enough.”