The Worker

On the Uruguayan Elections

We salute the popular victory achieved in the national elections, expressed in the triumph of YamandĂș Orsi and Carolina Cosse and our Frente Amplio (FA) in the runoff and the conquest by and for the people of the national government. The explosion of joy throughout the country that we experienced on the night of the runoff, and which continues to this day, shows that the majority of our people feel that they have regained hope.

We especially recognize the Frente Amplio, our activists and the popular movement who were protagonists of this victory, in October, in November and in all these years. The Frente Amplio and popular activists leading the struggles, in the neighborhoods, on the corners, talking with hundreds of thousands, are the builders of this victory.

We have the enormous challenge of ensuring that this new Frente Amplio government responds to that hope that our people have transformed into a transformative political force. The FA Program and its realization in reality are central to achieving this. We commit our militancy, in the National Government, in Parliament, in the FA and in the social and political struggle to achieve this.

This victory of the FA, highlighted throughout the world with expressions and greetings from leftist forces that we value and appreciate, occurs in the context of the structural and organic crisis of capitalism, the increase in the aggressiveness of American imperialism, wars that imply a growing danger for humanity and the continuation of the genocide against the Palestinian people. We express our defense of peace and our solidarity with the struggle of the peoples.

The electoral result is a victory of the historical, political and social, democratic and radical block of change. The block of power and its political expression, the right-wing coalition, are the big losers. We defeated the model of inequality, those who governed for the benefit of a few, the surrender of sovereignty, democratic deterioration, corruption.

This triumph of our people expresses the synthesis of a process of debate, organization and mobilization, political and social. The November 2019 Vote by Vote; the FA’s self-criticism, debate and practical process; the organization of solidarity during the pandemic in the soup kitchens and dozens of initiatives; the collection of 800 thousand signatures against the LUC and the referendum; the strengthening of the FA and above all of its Base Committees; the political initiative of “The FA listens to you”; the social process and programmatic elaboration of the People’s Congress; the programmatic construction of the FA; The struggles and popular and union mobilizations of this entire period: the May 1st, the struggle in the Salary Councils that managed to break the government’s salary guidelines, the mobilizations in defense of education, the May 20th and the fight against impunity and for truth and justice, the 8M, the mobilizations in defense of public companies, the student mobilizations, the confrontation in Parliament and in the streets against the pension reform, the three general strikes against it, the collection of 430 thousand signatures and the YES vote on the white ballot in October, are some of the milestones of that popular protagonism that confronted the model of inequality.

All of this is part of the accumulation of forces that was expressed in the political victory in these elections. It is the expression of the popular roots of the victory. This process took place in the midst of an intense political and ideological debate, which is part of the accumulation of forces and the struggle. We participated in it and will continue to do so, but we always had and continue to have clear that the central thing, to achieve electoral victory and for the emancipatory perspective for which we campaign, is the political and social unity of the people and the care and strengthening of all their tools.

The departmental and municipal elections of May 2025 and the XV Congress of the PIT-CNT, Intersyndical Plenary of Workers – National Convention of Workers (the National Trade Union Center in Uruguay), also in May, are political centers that will demand our effort and that of the entire popular movement, to achieve an advance of the perspective of transformations.

At our XXXII Congress, in May 2022, we communists publicly made a commitment to our people: “The XXXII Congress raises the flag of hope, and calls for unity, to promote the struggle, to organize the popular offensive that allows us to confront the conservative restoration, defeat it, reconquer the national government for the people with the Broad Front, with a stronger political and social bloc of changes, with more weight and influence, to advance in democracy towards an advanced democracy.” It is from this commitment that we celebrate with our people the victory obtained. We assume the value of the militant, fighting, political and electoral contribution alongside thousands of Uruguayans.

Statement by the Central Committee – 12/15/2024

Communist Party of Uruguay

Montevideo, December 15, 2024


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