On April 22nd, 2024, students at the University of California, Berkeley set up an encampment in front of the administration building, demanding that the university divest from any business involved in the illegal occupation of Palestine and the genocide in Gaza. The encampment has now remained for three days. This action was inspired by a number of actions across the country which are currently occurring, most notably at Columbia University in New York City.
The first day of the encampment featured a Passover ceremony, as well as speeches from various student organizations.
As of April 24th 2024 (the third day), the UC has not released a statement yet on the encampment, nor have the police been called.
Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) and League of Young Communists USA (LYCUSA) members from Northern California have participated in the encampment since the first day, and continue to stay there in solidarity with the students.
The American Student Union (ASU) will also be participating in encampments along the East Coast for the same cause.

This movement by the youth of the USA is of huge importance internationally. The dominant globalist faction of the US ruling class is pushing for war. We have discussed this in the Zimbabwe Communist Party. In our view, the current administration does not represent even the interests of US capitalism as a whole. State Capture by the banking sector has now been replaced by State Capture by the Military/Industrial Complex as warned about by President Eisenhower in 1961. This recklessness has now become a danger to the survival of humanity. But thanks to the youth of the USA — and here we must make special mention of the Jewish youth and the Muslim youth, the drive to war has been undermined. So Makorokoto, Amhlope, Congratulations from the ZCP.