The Worker

Statement from the Secretariat of the Party of Communists USA

The Secretariat of the Party of Communists USA would like to announce that the Party will continue its work as usual. The PCUSA retains control of its finances, membership, mass organizations, the John Reed Center, and its social media and technological infrastructure. Our Party has survived many attacks in the past, and it will survive this one without missing a beat.

The Party of Communists USA maintains its commitment to the original ideology of scientific socialism, as exemplified by the Soviet Union. The position of the PCUSA on the Israel-Palestine question is identical to that of the international Communist movement, including the historical position of the Soviet Union and all of the socialist countries throughout the world. This position is the two-state solution outlined by the Geneva Accords based off of UN Resolution 242, which calls for the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state along the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

To push for an immediate one-state solution within the current geopolitical context is to push for a sequence of events that would likely bring about the end of humanity. The nuclear-armed state of Israel can be expected to launch its nuclear weapons and begin World War III if its existence is threatened. It is not for petty-bourgeois ultra-left radicals on the other side of the world to dictate the struggle of the Palestinian people. Those who push for the destruction of Israel are willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands, if not millions, in the interest of their own ideological purity for a line that the Palestinian people themselves do not support. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which is in a leadership position representing the interests of the Palestinian people, has long called for the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. Even Hamas has now agreed to such a solution.

Real Bolsheviks follow the discipline of democratic centralism, the Leninist form of Party work. Democratic centralism means, among other things, the assertion of the will of the majority above that of the minority. Groups which have been founded by people unwilling to follow this discipline will not last. While these groups come and go, and may even burn brightly for a brief period of time like a struck match, the flame quickly dies. Meanwhile, the Party remains.


Central Committee

Party of Communists USA

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