The Worker

The Internationale

Arise, you prisoners of starvation

Arise, you wretched of the Earth

For justice thunders condemnation

A better world’s in birth.

No more traditions chains shall bind us

Arise you slaves, no more in thrall

The Earth shall rise on new foundations

We have been not, we shall be all.

It’s the final conflict

Let each stand in their place

The International Soviet

Shall be the human race.

It’s the final conflict

Let each stand in their place

The International Soviet

Shall be the human race.

The Internationale Lyrics

There are few English versions of The Internationale, aside from an old recording from 1933 of low quality, and the notorious Billy Bragg version of recent.

The song was written by French revolutionaries following the Paris Commune and organizing of the First International. The Communist Internationals were worldwide networks set up by Socialist and later Communist Parties.

“International” as described by the Marxist Glossary Book by L. Harry Gould as the following:


First: Founded by Marx and Engels in 1864 under the name of International Workingmen’s Association; its constituent members were working-class bodies of many countries who subscribed to the Socialist objective. Dissolved in 1872 after the defeat of the Paris Commune.

Second: Founded 1889, grew up in the “relatively peaceful development of capitalism, a pre-war period, so to speak, when the disastrous contradictions had not so obviously revealed themselves” (Stalin); marked by opportunism and capitulation to capitalism; betrayed the workers in the imperialist war of 1914-18 and the revolutions after the war; then aided capitalism during the economic crises, refusing united struggle against the capitalists and, later, against the fascists – in some cases (Germany, France, Belgium, 45 etc.) many of their top leaders going over directly to fascism.

Third (Comintern): Founded 1919 under personal leadership of Lenin; world body of Communist Parties of all countries and of other working-class parties who subscribed to conditions of membership. Based on Marxist principles of class struggle and Proletarian Dictatorship. Last Congress (Seventh) in 1935, when Dimitrov, general secretary of Comintern, reported on the struggle for the unity of the working class against fascism. Disbanded 1943, its principal function of creating mass Communist Parties in the various countries having been fulfilled.

The International song’s lyrics should be memorized by all fighting for socialism-communism.

The Internationale was the anthem of the Soviet Union until the time of the Great Patriotic War, but this did not mean that the song disappeared in Soviet society. Rather, the Internationale was played throughout the Soviet Union, for labor holidays to patriotic events.

The First International was organized in London in 1864, with Karl Marx elected to its leadership.

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