The Worker

UFT Dropping Support for Medicare Advantage Too Little Too Late for Business Unionist Leadership

Editorial by S.M. Cifone ATU Member, July 31, 2024

NEW YORK, NY—Last month the business unionist leadership of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) suffered two stunning defeats. In chapter elections, both Retirees and Paraprofessionals ousted sell-out leadership who threw them both under the bus in the last contract negotiations.

UFT has had a long history of rank-and-file organizing that didn’t lead to election wins, until now. The victories can easily be traced to the contentious contract fight from last year that saw the union agree to the New York City Mayor’s attempts to force all city retirees into Medicare Advantage plans; while forcing a rejected contract on paraprofessionals that left them with substandard pay raises compared to other departments in that contract.

These losses, combined with upcoming union elections have prompted Michael Mulgrew, UFT President, on June 23, to write a letter to the city’s Municipal Labor Council (MLC) withdrawing the union’s support for the Medicare Advantage plan, that originated with a MLC vote led by the UFT delegation in the first place. This is simply too little too late for Mulgrew to hold onto power.

I often like to say, “A worker can smell bullshit a mile away” and the smell is ever-pungent here. The UFT rank-and-file haven’t forgotten it was Mulgrew and his sycophants that led the MLC vote in favor of Medicare Advantage, and they haven’t forgotten it was Mulgrew who agreed to it in their last contract either. The paraprofessionals haven’t forgotten Mulgrew’s refusal to renegotiate a rejected contract, followed by a forced revote. To add insult to injury, as of yet the letter rescinding support has yet to be followed up with a campaign against the plan, which shows it was nothing more than a symbolic last resort to hold onto control of the union.

EDITORIAL: UFT Dropping Support for Medicare Advantage Too Little Too Late for Business Unionist Leadership – Labor Today (

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