The Worker

Why is there a shadow of The Black Corps in the neo-Nazi battalion?

Image by Galina Brusnitsyna © Rossa Primavera News Agency

In fact, every symbol of neo-Nazis and every name has a superficial meaning for the crowd and a deep meaning for the initiated, Andreyz Bersenev said on July 12 in his article “Azov (organization banned in Russia). From Marginalized Group in Kharkov to the International Neo-Nazi Network” published in The Essence of Time newspaper.

The permanent head of the “Azov Movement” (organization banned in Russia) Andrey Biletskiy, in March 2014 appointed by Dmitry Yarosh as the head of the Right Sector (organization banned in Russia)  – East  paramilitary wing, took part in the formation of punitive battalions: militants who rushed to Donbass to destroy Russians. Initially, Biletskiy’s punishers were called “little black men.”

“Azov militants (organization banned in Russia) explained that they came up with this name in response to the “little green men” – after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Ukrainian propaganda has been blowing up the myth of the allmighty “little green men”: soldiers of the Russian army wearing no insignia,” Bersenev writes.

Yet in July 2014, the Western media noted that Biletskiy’s “little black men” were a direct reference to Das Schwarze Korps (“The Black Corps”), the official SS newspaper published in the Third Reich since 1935.

“The historicity of the name is also hinted at by the Azov militants themselves (organization banned in Russia). Thus, one of their ideologists, Yelena Semenyaka, pointed out that “The Black Corps” – one of the names of the battalion Azov (organization banned in Russia), goes back to the famous organization of the mid-20th century, which had in its ranks not only combat units, but also centers of cultural and spiritual education.”

That the worldview of this “‘famous organization’ of the mid-20th century was of a black character is fairly obvious,” the article’s author notes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency 27.07.2023, Moscow.

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