The Worker

World Marxist Review Archive – Now Available on the PCUSA Website

The World Marxist Review (Problems of Peace and Socialism) was a monthly theoretical journal concentrating on international issues faced by the world Communist movement in the latter half of the 20th century. It featured contributions from Communist and Workers parties throughout the world, providing an essential view on how these groups dealt with the major international issues of the time.

The archive can be found on the website of the Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) at . The journal archive can also be found on our affiliated archive website, the American Archive of Marxism-Leninism (AAML), at , alongside hundreds of other unique historical materials pertinent to the world Communist movement. This archive contains several issues which cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet.

These issues were scanned from the archives stored at the PCUSA’s John Reed Center in Seattle, Washington.

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