The Worker

WPC Statement Against Aggression of Netanyahu Government

Originally published by the World Peace Council –

The World Peace Council (WPC) denounces and condemns vehemently the recent attacks by the Israeli military against Lebanon with the destruction of civilian residences and infrastructure and the assassination of political leaders of the Lebanese people. The indiscriminate attack with heavy weapons against the Lebanese capital Beirut shows the brutal face of the Israeli regime which is acting in the whole Middle East in violation of every sense of International Law. The death of hundreds of Lebanese people and the displacement of many thousands more, create the ground for a “new Gaza strip” in the region, while the Israeli army is preparing for a ground invasion to the South of Lebanon.

This recent Israeli aggression comes combined with the ongoing massacre and slow genocide against the Palestinian people for almost one year whereas more than 45.000 Palestinians have lost their lives, with more than 15.000 children. The Israeli occupation regime and its army have destroyed completely the Palestinian Gaza strip, turning the area into an open air graveyard. It is a matter of serious concern that this crime against humanity is expanding also to the West Bank and now to Lebanon.

The brutal, murderous and inhuman actions of the Israeli army would not be possible without the full support by the USA and the complicity of the European Union towards the assassin state of Israel. Every time the imperialists are expressing their “humanitarian” concern but repeating the fake argument of the “self-defense” of Israel, they are fueling the war machine of Israeli army.

As WPC we express our solidarity to the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon as well as to other peoples of the Middle East under imperialist threats and maneuvers, underlining that there cannot be Peace in the Middle East without the creation and recognition of the Independent State of Palestine within the borders of pre-4th June 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, according to the relevant UN resolutions. We demand the end of the attacks of Israel and its withdrawal from all the territories of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

We express our deep concern for the further escalation of the conflicts in the region which may lead to a generalized war of global dimensions. We demand “Stop the Israeli aggressiveness now!”

The WPC Secretariat
29th September 2024

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