The Worker

Women’s Issues and the Working Woman

A Statement from Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE)

The fate of the bodily security of over 150 million American women will be determined by nine unelected justices, less than half of whom are women. The Supreme Court established a women’s political right to abortion nearly half a century ago. Today, we are once again in a struggle, as the conservative corporate-
controlled Supreme Court prepares for an attack on women’s rights in America.

Women in this country have always been placed with the double burden of unpaid domestic work and employment (both essential to a functioning society), doubly exploited at home and the workplace. This is unappealing to working women of our time, and the brunt of capitalism has resulted in the inability to afford to raise children, which has resulted in a decline in reproduction rates. With these economic conditions, having a child is often inconceivable even for those that do want children. The cost-of-living increases while wages remain stagnant. The rising costs of healthcare and education cause many men and women to fall into bankruptcy or spend years trying to pay off loans. These financial burdens make it difficult for people to afford homes, causing many people to realize they cannot afford children, thus leading to a lower birth rate. The root of the issue is capitalism.

To reduce the demand for abortions, women must first be provided with access to free and quality birth control, emergency contraceptives, sex education, etc., in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. In addition, we must establish a network of aid and support for women, mothers, and families. It should not be controversial to state as working-class women, that we must strive for a society where abortion demands decline through expanding the study of women’s health, through access to healthcare and contraceptives, and using abortion as the last option.

That does not mean limiting abortion under any circumstances – sometimes abortions are needed to save the lives or health of pregnant women or for victims of rape or incest. When women’s health is a priority, when women have their basic needs met, and when we finally break free from wage slavery, then we will see less demand for abortions. We need to remember this when we fight for abortion. When we fight for women’s rights, we are not beginning and ending with the right to an abortion. In our fight to defend women’s rights, we can never lose sight of the multifaceted class warfare against women. As working-class women, we will always resolutely defend the interests of working women in this country.

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