The Worker

Babi Yar Massacre in the Ukraine – PSMLS Class

The PSMLS presents a class on the documentary Babi Yar: Lessons of History. This video tells the story of the Babi Yar Massacre, a horrendous event carried out by Fascists in occupied Ukraine at the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev. “Babi Yar: Lessons of History” dates to the 1970s, and it was released in the West in the 1980s. It was originally produced by Soviet filmmakers through the Ukrainian Studio of TV Films. The film depicts the horrors of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine and the massacre of Jewish people during the Holocaust at Babi Yar, where they were buried in a mass grave outside of Kiev. The film is a historical account of events and warns nations about the dangers of Neo-Nazi ideologies around the world, especially in the United States. The events are told from the perspective of Ukrainian-Jewish poet Vitaly Korotich through voice over that is intertwined with survivor testimonies and archival footage.

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