The Worker

Allied Organizations

Allied organizations

Kurginyan Explains the Meaning of Victory Day

Nikolay Kolupayev, “The Banner of Victory, 1945” 10.05.2023, Moscow. Philosopher and political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in his congratulatory address on May 9 congratulated his audience on the day of the Victory of the Soviet Union against Hitler’s Germany-led Nazi coalition. “I congratulate everyone who is watching this broadcast on the

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US Friends of Soviet People Celebrates Victory Day with Russian Community in Seattle, Despite Russophobic Attacks from Fascist Apologists

S. V. Welborn May 9th is the day we remember the Soviet and Ally victory over the scourge of German Nazism and Italian Fascism. We can never forget the immense sacrifices made to gain this victory, several hundred thousand Americans, French and British, 20 million Chinese people and 27 million Soviet citizens all died to

US Friends of Soviet People Celebrates Victory Day with Russian Community in Seattle, Despite Russophobic Attacks from Fascist Apologists Read More »

United Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order Commemorates the Jewish-led Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the Nazi Invaders

Proudly featured in the Muranow neighborhood of Warsaw, Poland is the Monument to Ghetto Heroes standing proudly at 36 feet tall. The monument stands in the same square as the Polin Museum which commemorates the Jewish Poles in the Warsaw Ghetto and in front of a Soviet Poland era apartment complex painting a picture rich

United Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order Commemorates the Jewish-led Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the Nazi Invaders Read More »

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