The Worker


Categories of The Worker and Red Patriot articles

JISGUSA Class 1/25/23 – Kim Jong-il “On the Juche Idea” Ch 1 – “The Origin of the Juche Idea”

Originally published by the Korean Friendship Association USA – January 25, 2023 class from the Juche Idea Study Group USA (JISGUSA) on Kim Jong-il’s “On the Juche Idea”. In this class, we discussed the first chapter: “The Origin of the Juche Idea”. The reading material can be viewed here:

JISGUSA Class 1/25/23 – Kim Jong-il “On the Juche Idea” Ch 1 – “The Origin of the Juche Idea” Read More »

Broken Rainbow – PSMLS Class

The Indigenous People’s Commission of the Party of Communists USA presents a film viewing of “Broken Rainbow” about the 1983 forced removal of Navajo people by the Reagan Administration for the profits of coal. Connect with PSMLS: Sign up to join the PSMLS mailing list and get notified of new Zoom classes every Tuesday

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Indonesia’s 1965 Genocide: Germany’s Unknown War Against Communism

Originally published by Junge Welt – West Germany not only backed and bankrolled Indonesia’s Suharto regime in its massacres of the left in the late 1960s, but deployed ex-Nazis to Jakarta to monitor it, a new documentary has revealed. “Indonesia’s 1965 Genocide: Germany’s Unknown War Against Communism” was released by Redfish last Friday and

Indonesia’s 1965 Genocide: Germany’s Unknown War Against Communism Read More »

Morning Star News – Ukraine Celebrates Nazi Collaborator Stepan Bandera’s Birthday

Originally published by Morning Star News – UKRAINE marked the birthday of nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera today as a national holiday for the first time. The parliament voted that January 1 would be officially recognised for the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which fought alongside the nazis against the Red Army

Morning Star News – Ukraine Celebrates Nazi Collaborator Stepan Bandera’s Birthday Read More »

Charles de Gaulle’s grandson comes to Russia for the 80th anniversary of the victory of Stalingrad

Photo: The Motherland Calls (Mamayev Kurgan) Pierre de Gaulle came to honor the defenders of Stalingrad as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper wrote on January 31. Pierre de Gaulle took part in a roundtable dedicated to the anniversary of the

Charles de Gaulle’s grandson comes to Russia for the 80th anniversary of the victory of Stalingrad Read More »

Ultra-Leftism – Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies Class Recording

For our first class recorded in 2023, we study the history of left deviation in the Communist movement along with some passages from Lenin’s “Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder”. Connect with PSMLS: up to join the PSMLS mailing list and get notified of new Zoom classes every Tuesday and Thursday: Literature Used in

Ultra-Leftism – Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies Class Recording Read More »

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